The times of traditional weaving return to Lalín every year in the month of August. More than 70 people dressed in period clothing participate in the historical recreation of these deep-rooted community works, which were the culmination of the bread-making process. Promoted by the Casa do Patrón Ethnographic Museum, the Traditional Malla Festival has been celebrated since 2000 in the Lalín village of Codeseda, on the penultimate Saturday of August and has been declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in Galicia.

Lalín weaving is a beautiful recovery of this tradition that begins with the preparations and goes beyond the work itself, to become a great ethnographic, gastronomic and festive day. It begins with the transport of rye and the production of mead, accompanied by a display of Galician crafts, a complete exhibition of mesh machines and motors, and another of paintings linked to the bread-making process.

The Malla is then recreated with a staging in which the residents of Codeseda, in the parish of Doade, and people from other places in Lalín participate. At the end, the annual prize is awarded to the best-dressed man and woman in period clothing. Afterwards, the fellowship meal takes place under the open-air tent, with spectacular views of the Asneiro valley, and in the afternoon the party continues with the Serán da Malla, in which several folklore groups from Deza participate.

The party brings together thousands of visitors in Codeseda, the geographical centre of Galicia, and was declared a Festival of Tourist Interest due to the uniqueness and quality of the recreations, the number of attendees, the cultural value, the roots in the local population, the infrastructure, the equipment, the innovation, the care of the urban and landscape environment in which it takes place and the level of dissemination of the event.