Founded by Cardinal Rodrigo de Castro, Renaissance façade (110 m long and with a maximum height of 23 m). Built by several Jesuit architects, the works began in 1593 and were completed by the P.P. Colegio Escolapios in 1910.

Cloisters with coats of arms in carved stone (that of Casa de Lemos, Casa de Alba, Cardenal Rodrigo de Castro and P.P. Escolapios).

Monumental staircase with steps made of a single piece of granite divided into three sections without visible support points.

Inside the Church Main Altarpiece by Francisco de Moure, Statue of Rodrigo de Castro by Xoán de Bolonia, Chapels of the Most Holy Christ, of the Epiphany and of the Relics.

You can also visit the Pinacoteca, housed in an old sacristy of the College church, built in 1699. The building that houses the museum is of great architectural beauty. The art gallery has two paintings by El Greco (Saint Lawrence and Saint Francis). Five panels by the Italian Renaissance painter Andrea do Sarto, among other works and pieces that belonged to the founding Cardinal.