Turnip Greens Potatoes are one of the traditional dishes of Maia.
The fertile soils, with medium texture, well-drained and with good water retention capacity that exist in the region may be largely responsible for the cultivation of this plant and its use in Maia’s cuisine. Another valid reason could be the low production cost and the fact that they withstand light frosts.
In addition to being delicious, turnip greens and sprouts are an excellent low-calorie food, rich in fiber, calcium, and folic acid, as well as vitamins A and C. The popular saying “Moderate with sausages and eat more turnip greens” may refer to the fact that the fiber in turnip greens helps regulate intestinal function.
To inspire you to try turnip greens, here is the traditional recipe, which many restaurants serve in Maia.
Then, use your creativity and innovate this dish. INGREDIENTS (for 8 people)
– 4 potatoes (large)
– 2 onions
– 200g. White beans (cooked)
– 300g. Asuán bones (vine garlic)
– 1 meat sausage
– 2 liters of water
– 300g. Turnips
– 1 garlic clove
– 200g.

– 1 teaspoon of red wine vinegar
– q.b Sea salt
– q.b Cumin
– pennyroyal


– Knife and cutting board
– Iron pot or pan
– Spoon
– Hand blender
– Wire whisk


Put the pot with water to boil.
Add the bones (previously soaked), the whole chorizo, the potatoes, and the chopped onion. Season with salt and cumin. Let it boil until the potato is cooked.
Remove the pot from the heat and take out the chorizo and bones, add the olive oil and blend the rest of the ingredients with a hand blender.
Gradually add the cornmeal, stirring with a whisk.
Add the cooked white beans and bring back to a boil. Check the seasoning.
Add the turnip greens and remove from heat.
Add the chopped garlic and vinegar.
Divide the porridge into bowls and finish with a drizzle of olive oil and pennyroyal.