The Summer Concerts, promoted by the City Council, are back in Vila do Conde and will take place between the months of July and August, always at 10:30 p.m.

Delfins, Expensive Soul, Vitor Kley and Nininho Vaz Maia, among many other artists, will take to the Cais da Alfândega and Caxinas Stages to liven up summer weekends in Vila do Conde.

Delfins (40 years tour) – July 26 |Cais da Alfàndega

Expensive Soul – July 28 |Cais da Alfàndega

Vitor Kley – August 2 |Caxinas, next to the Church of Nosso Senhor dos Navegantes

• Sons do Minho – August 4 |Caxinas, next to the Church of Nosso Senhor dos Navegantes

• Némanus – August 6 |Caxinas, next to the Church of Nosso Senhor dos Navegantes

• Profjam (celebration of International Youth Day) – August 10 |Cais da Alfândega

M80– August 16 |Cais da Alfândega

Nininho Vaz Maia – August 24 |Cais da Alfândega