Magosto is a feast of pagan origin that honored the arrival of the autumn harvests. This antique tradition has taken deep root in Ourense, becoming one of the most unique celebrations in the city, to the point that in 2008 it was declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in Galicia.
During the month of November, especially on the 11th (St. Martin’s day, patron saint of the city), the nearby mounts are crowded with bonfires around which family and friends gather to celebrate a Magosto. Any excuse is good to go to the countryside, light a fire and enjoy seasonal products: chorizo sausages, new wine, liqueurs and especially chestnuts.
Chestnuts are the true protagonist of Magosto, since you must always roast them among the embers of bonfires. For centuries this fruit was one of the basic foods of the Galician diet. In Ourense it has retained a prominent position thanks to the many chestnut forests that still can be seen in the province. A good example of its importance is the existence of a powerful processing industry that markets products derived from chestnuts throughout the world. Special mention should be made of marron glacé and St. Martin’s cake, recipes which will delight those with a sweet tooth.
Bonfires, roasted chestnuts and sausages are the basic elements of Magosto, one of the most unique festivals in Ourense.